This is a highly professional search engine optimization software tool for skilled webmasters who want to score highly on the search engines lists.
Search engines today are measuring keyword density as a factor in assigning relevancy ratings to web pages. If your keyword density is too low, your page will not be rated high in relevancy. On the other hand, if your keyword density is too high then the search engine may penalize you for "keyword stuffing". GRKda Keyword Density Analyzer is designed to help you easily determine the correct keyword density mix on the top scoring pages thus allowing you to duplicate that "correct" mix and design your web pages to compete with the top scoring pages on the search engines.
Keep in mind that the search engines are constantly changing their relevancy criteria when scoring pages for keyword relevancy. That's precisely why you need this search engine optimization software. GRKda Keyword Density Analyzer will allow you to closely determine which keyword density mix is currently scoring well on any given search engine enabling you to design web pages to fit the formula a search engine is currently looking for almost regardless of what changes the search engines may make.
Main features:
-Support for html files and any other text file.
-Report statistics about: title, meta tag keywords, meta tag contents, headers, body, comments, alt, reference and links.
-Customizable statistic search.
-Compares files for single or multiple keywords (phrases).
Highlight repeated meta tag keywords.
-Count characters.
-Case sensitivity programmable.
-Option to ignore words that are numbers or contain numbers.
-Skip words shorter than a specified character count.
-Calculate word percentage in every single category.
-Print your reports.